
For the first time in living memory, or ever… the world is united. United! That is a big deal. Unification is most likely to occur in the face of a common enemy. We have seen this across multiple wars, or in the fight against human...

Having worked flexibly from an office & from home for over a decade, and then more recently run a business from a home office, I have learnt a thing or two about what it takes to successfully work from home. Firstly, not everyone finds working from...

I learnt that I really value being appreciated, and that acknowledgement and appreciation are a core motivator for me. I have always known this (ENNEA 3; Words of Affirmation - Love Languages), but because it was generally part of my working life, I took it...

Getting the most from people requires leaders to recognise, appreciate & leverage diversity. For the first time in history we have 4 generations active in the workplace. Advances in gender diversity and integration of racial, ethnic and cultural groups all play a huge role. In my...

Building skills to surf the wave of change is made up of a lot of little things. Possibly the little thing that makes the biggest difference is how you choose to show up every day....